Technologies Available

Technologies Available for Commercialisation at DST-NUTEC

The following technologies are available for commercialization at Nitte DST-Technology Enabling Center (DST-NUTEC). Entrepreneurs, Startups and Companies interested in taking these technologies for commercialization may please contact:

Dr. Iddya Karunasagar, Advisor, Research and Patents

Dr. Indrani Karunasagar, Director (Projects) and Director, NUTEC

Technologies available:
Food Industry related

  1. Technology for producing lipid-free fish protein hydrolysates with neutraceutical properties
  2. Ready to reconstitute spray dried whey-fruit juice beverage  (jackfruit, pineapple, mango flavours) technology
  3. Technology for producing jackfruit flour
  4. Technology for Jackfruit kernel milkshake mix
  5. Technology for producing intermediate moisture meat
  6. Ready to prepare carotenoid rich breakfast mix technology
  7. Technology for processed meat products (Sausage, nuggets, restructured meat)

Environment and one health related

  1. Bacteriophage consortium for control of Vibriosis in aquaculture
  2. Bacteriophage consortium for control of Pseudomonas spp